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Massachusetts Chapter for Central Service Professionals




The name of the organization shall be the Massachusetts Chapter for Central Service Professionals, (MCCSP), and hereafter referred to as the chapter.




The Chapter shall have direct affiliation with the International Association of Healthcare Central Service Material Management (IAHCSMM) and abide by their requirements for affiliation, and the affiliation shall be limited to one affiliation.



1. Bring about close cooperation between healthcare Central Service personnel and Material Management personnel in order to promote efficiency in Central Service and Central Service management and assist in providing the optimum patient care.
2. Cooperate with other healthcare departments and allied associations in matters pertaining to Central Service.
3. Encourage and assist members to develop their knowledge and to increase their effectiveness.
4. Provide a medium for the interchange of ideas and knowledge and to increase their effectiveness.
5. Provide a medium for the interchange of ideas and knowledge and to disseminate materials relative to Central Service and other healthcare issues.
6. To serve as liaison between chapter members and IAHCSMM.
The Chapter is organized exclusively for scientific and educational purposes as a non-profit association. It shall be conducted so that none of its income or earnings will benefit any member, officer or individual.



Categories of membership in this organization are Active, Affiliate and Associates. Membership in this Chapter shall become effective upon the approval of a completed application and receipt of the specified dues of the Chapter.


Section 1: Active Membership

Active membership shall consist of individuals who are members in good standing of IAHCSMM and employed in a Central Service Department. A member must maintain good standing with the Chapter, and have all current dues paid. Active members may hold office, be involved on committees and vote. Attendance at two or more education programs is recommended.


Section 2: Affiliate

Affiliate membership shall consist of individuals who are employed in a Central Service Department. A member must maintain good standing with the Chapter, and have all current dues paid. Affiliate members may not hold office but may be involved on committees and vote. Attendance at two or more education programs is recommended.


Section 3: Associate Membership

Associate membership shall consist of individuals who have an active interest in Central Service Department. Associate members shall be non-voting members and shall respect requests to leave during a meeting.


Section 4: Termination

After an appropriate hearing, a member may be terminated by a vote of Board of Directors for non-compliance with any pertinent provisions of the by-laws or regulations of the Chapter or for violation of these by-laws and any rules and regulations promulgated pursuant thereto.


Section 5: Dues

Membership dues will be assessed on a yearly basis by the Board of Directors.



Meetings shall be held as deemed necessary by the Board of Directors. The Chapter Secretary shall send out minutes of the meetings and the date and location of the forthcoming meeting.


Section 1: Number of Programs

The Chapter shall conduct a minimum of 2 programs per year. In addition, the president shall hold Board of Directors meetings as deemed necessary.


Section 2: Annual Meeting

1. An Annual meeting shall be held each year for the purpose of transacting MCCSP business.
2. This meeting will be for general business.


Section3: Quorum

A Quorum shall be had when no less than 4 members are present at the duly scheduled meeting.




Section 1: Eligibility

Each elected officer of the Chapter shall be an Active Member of the Chapter and participate on a committee or council.


Section 2: Officers

Vice President
Communication’s Officer


Each officer shall serve a two-year term, President and Secretary will go up for nomination at the same time. The Vice President, the Treasurer and Communication’s Officers will be nominated on the opposite year. The Officers shall be elected by ballot by the Active/Affiliate members in good standing. These Officers shall form the “Board of Directors” which will conduct meetings each year (at the discretion of the President).
The President shall chair all Board of Director meetings. Pertinent information from these meetings shall be discussed at all programs.


Section 3: Nominations & Elections

Nominations for Officers will be held at the Fall Program. If there are no nominations, the elected Officer will remain in their position. The election for the officers will be conducted by ballot during the Spring Program. Only Active Members may nominate, be nominated or vote for Office.


Section 4: Duties of the President

1. The President shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Chapter at all meetings and activities sponsored by the Chapter.
2. The President shall use Robert’s Rules of Order as a reference for conducting meetings for the Chapter, unless such rules are in conflict with the by-laws.
3. The prime function of the President is to solicit and act upon the needs of the professional membership. As a facilitator, a major responsibility is to insure various committees are functioning effectively. To that end, changes/and or additions to the committees are to be made at the discretion of the President.
4. The President shall request the Chairperson of each committee to give a report at each scheduled meeting, which shall be recorded in the minutes of the meeting.
5. The President shall present the Annual Report of the Chapter’s activities during the year at the IAHCSMM annual meeting, which shall be kept in the permanent file of the Association and Chapter.
6. The President’s registration fee, hotel, associated expenses and transportation for the IAHSCMM Annual Meeting are to be paid by the Chapter.
7. The President shall present a report of the IAHCSMM Annual Meeting to the Chapter membership at the next scheduled meeting.
8. The President shall fill vacancies by appointment subject to the approval of Board of Directors.
9. The President shall serve as ex-officio of all committees, with the exception of the nominating committee.
10. The President shall have the right to appoint an Active member as a representative to the board of IACHSMM.


Section 5: Duties of the Vice President

In the absence of or because of the incapacity of the President, the vice President shall perform all the duties and assume all the responsibilities of the President including attendance at the IAHCSMM Annual Meeting.


Section 6: Duties of the Secretary

1. The Secretary shall record proceedings of the meetings and prepare minutes of meetings. These
minutes shall be presented to the Chapter membership.
2. The Secretary shall maintain membership records of Chapter members.


Section 7: Duties of the Treasurer

1. The Treasurer shall maintain financial records of the Chapter and pay all bills authorized by the Board of Directors.
2. The Treasurer shall submit a Financial Report to the membership at the annual meeting.
3. A written or verbal report will be incorporated into the minutes of each meeting.


Section 8: Communication’s Officer

1. The Communication Officer shall maintain the Chapter Webpage and only will put information on the Webpage that has been approved by the Board of Directors.
2. The Communication Officer will provide technical support during the Fall and Spring Programs including but not limited to: ensuring the proper A/V equipment is available, coordinating the digital registration of attendees and taking photographs during presentations.
3. The Communications Officer will provide the means to conduct the nominations and elections for Officer position.


Section 9: Duties of the Past President

The Past President shall serve as advisor to the Board of Directors and assist the President wherever needed.

Section 10: Vacancies

1. The President shall fill any vacancies by appointment. These appointments shall serve in
office until the next election.
2. In the event that the President is unable to complete his/her term of office, the Vice President
shall act as President until the next regular election and continues his/her term.




The following shall be the standing committees: (The Board of Directors will assume committee responsibilities in the event that there are not enough members to do so.)


The President will appoint a chairperson for each of the above named committees. The Chairperson will have the responsibility of attending all meetings. A chairperson missing more than two (2) consecutive meetings will be requested to relinquish responsibilities of assigned committee unless just cause for absence is submitted to the President. The Chairperson will appoint two members to assist him/her with committee activities.

Section 1: Duties of the By-Law committee

Review, revise and amend Chapter by-Laws on an annual basis and recommend changes to the membership.

Section 2: Program Committee

Provide for the continuing education of the members and to plan, organize and present at least two major seminars or workshops annually.
Schedule meetings and provide an educational seminar at these programs. Schedule of upcoming meetings will be disseminated through minutes and newsletters.

Section 3: Membership Committee

Promote membership in the Chapter. Formal meetings may not be necessary, but committee may conduct business by phone, mail or email. All new and re-newel membership information should be sent to Secretary of the Chapter.

Section 4: Newsletter Committee

To create, publish and distribute the Chapter News-letter. Try to solicit vendor sponsorship to help defray the cost.

Section 5: Nominating Committee

To nominate candidates for annual election through correspondence utilizing the membership list, the Newsletter and the meeting minutes. Present these nominations to the Secretary to be placed on the ballot.

Section 6: All other Committees

The President, with the approval of the Board of Director, may appoint Ad Hoc committees.



Section 1: Dues

The Board of Directors will determine yearly membership dues at the Annual Fall Program. All funds paid to the Chapter become property of the Chapter.

Section 2: Dues Delinquency

Members who have not paid their Annual dues by Sept. 1st of each year shall have their membership terminated providing a proper notification of such a delinquency had been sent to such a member.

Section 3: Resignation

Any member may resign at anytime, but a refund of membership dues shall not be granted.

Section 4: Suspension

Any member whose conduct is detrimental to the best interests of the Chapter, or who willingly violated its By-Laws, rules and regulations, may be suspended or expelled by action vote of the Board of Directors. In these circumstances, dues will not be refunded.



Section 1: Procedure

These By-Laws may be altered, amended or repealed by a two-thirds vote of the Active / Affiliate Membership. This can be done at a regular meeting or at a special meeting of membership called for this purpose. Notice of proposed changes shall be sent to all members of the Chapter at least two weeks prior to the meeting.

Section 2: Approval

The amendment, revision or repeal of the Chapter By-laws shall become effective upon the approval by the membership. Any situation not covered by the By-Laws will be resolved according to Robert’s Rules of Order.

Section 3: Chapter closes

If Chapter dissolves all monies left in bank account will go toward an educational training and/or seminar.

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